With a bit of help from two huge OS maps glued together, we have a route for the trip next month!! This google maps version isn't a perfect rendition, but it's close! Check it out and have a peek at the places we'll be visiting! and yes we're skating out onto Ryde Pier! 65.9 Miles in total over three days!
View Isle of Wight Charity Skate 2010 in a larger map if you really really want to
We've almost confirmed the route, done a lot of messing around, and are ready to start promoting!
Route is around 100km, Starting from East Cowes, stopping overnight in Shanklin on the Friday, and near the Needles on the Saturday, arriving in West Cowes Sunday afternoon to catch the chain ferry back to the start point.
Get to the justgiving page and get sponsoring! The air ambulance runs 2-3 missions a day - the money we raise will be invaluable to the charity, and to the lives it saves.
Peace, love, helicopters and skating,
Also, here's an album of us trying out our teeshirts and then planning the route.
We're currently in the process of planning a trip to the Isle of Wight to raise money for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance. The trip will be from the 17th-19th of September, and you're welcome to join us if you want! We'll be getting a ferry from Southampton to Cowes, then skating around the coast of the island. The trip is roughly 60 miles of pushing around the island, stopping off on the way at the towns we come across. We'll probably be camping as there are many campsites on the island.

Click for a bigger version!
Nabbed from Skate House Media over in the states.
So the crew who weren't elsewhere (Moe, Timmy, Si and Dan) jumped in Dan's car, grabbed some of our gatorade stash and headed for the andover hills to hang out with Brian, Dave and Nathaniel in their local hillz.
The following videos (uploaded soon) chart the fastest and longest hills hit. I'll stick some maps up later aswell
The 45+mph (we reckon) hill with some sweet speed from Nathaniel (red+black, black helmet) Dan Shinnie
(white Helmet) and Timmy (on the boom).
This video has some silly audioswap jazz cos all you can hear is a white noise from the car. Enjoy a super long hill with carving and cars!
Peace love and urethane!
Timmy, writing in third person some more...
Three of our members completed the marathon on Sunday, and we all achieved great times!
It was my first year at the event and it was brilliant! although extremely hectic.
We'll certainly be back next year too!
Matt Elver from Plymouth, (who also recently skateboarded 1000 miles in 21 days) took the top spot of the longboarders there. He managed to beat his previous world record by flying round in 1:43:18
a close second and third were Chris Vallender and Alexandre Bangnoi from France!
XSS times:
Jon Steel 2:07:18
Tim Peters 2:08:53
Moe Neve 2:14:58
A massive thanks to all who participated in the event or helped to organise it.
Skate Further!